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李沁颖 张思绮 Zilai Feng  
动画 动画片 
Zilai Feng   
  The idea of making this film came from two se arate stories from middle school: The first one was during a health ins ection, a lunchbox was found behind the television shelf at a the corner of the classroom, and inside of it were some gross molded food; the other one, a story told by our maths teacher, that years ago a dead body was found in the ga s of two buildings on the hill at the back of the school, molded and green - a arently this guy was a thieve who went out at night but ended u getting stuck there. My middle school was built around a hill, which gives the cam us an interesting look - it goes u to the middle of the hill, and the end of it borders a neighborhood, where some com lex, weird aths and buildings interweave. It has a humid and neighborhoody(idk what this means but) smell, just like the rest art of the city - the Guangzhou (Canton) city. Dee in its core, es ecially the neighborhoods, s ace is randomly divided by the buildings and their ga s, weird and un lanned, narrow and mossy - seemingly filled with all the secrets and twisted stories. They become a com onent of the eo le there, or the eo le become a art of them, and are buried and hidden inside the ga s. The kid's story is a story of a hidden memory, a thought, or just that art of himself, haunting and never-ending. It is also that art of him he left behind - the him that is dead in the ga . He hears the story, he believes in it, he becomes the story, he gets something from himself, he uts the story back. My generation grew u in the last bit of the assing-away old Canton, before Cantonese got widely banned at school. So, it has to be in Cantonese,hahahahaha Also my elementary school also borders some neighborhood, and me and my friends had a "secret station" on the highest floor of the last building, the second floor of which connects to a building where eo le live. I always wanted to climb through the fence in between. NOW I DID IN MY FILM wow I wrote a lot. Thanks for reading. 《不存在的人》的观看地址: http://www.fcdm.vip/dmk/59248.html由斗罗动漫网提供,欢迎转发分享!